
beer stories: news

BEER NEWS - December 2009
CAMRA calls for a tax break
CAMRA has written to the Chancellor asking him to end the special treatment of spirits in order to fund a reduction in beer duty and a zero rate of duty for beers 2.8% abv or below, and to help
compensate for the forthcoming increase in VAT. Following last year's Pre-Budget Report excise duty on beer, wine and cider was increased by 8% whilst spirits were let off lightly with a rise of only 4%.
Mike Benner, Chief Executive of CAMRA, said "UK beer duty has been increased by 52% since the current Government came to power in 1997 whilst spirit duty has increased by only 19%. The 4% duty concession given to the spirits lobby following last year's Pre-Budget Report should be withdrawn to fund a fair
deal for beer and pubs. In the longer term, the difference
in the duty rate for spirits and lower alcohol categories should be restored to the levels that Labour inherited when they came to power in 1997.
The money generated from reversing the special treatment of spirits should be used to scrap duty on low strength beers and to reduce the main rate of excise duty on beer. Unlike spirits, beer is the mainstay product of community pubs which simply cannot afford further price increases. Community pubs provide a safe and social environment for people to relax with a drink and play a major role in community life. Community pubs should not be made to suffer as a result of unfair rises in beer duty, while spirits get off lightly."
Pedigree to fly the England flag
As the official beer of the England Cricket Team, Marston's Pedigree has permanently adopted the red and white colour of the England flag of St George, as used during the summer in support of
England's successful Ashes series. The decision was taken following "an exceptional cricketing summer and record sales of Pedigree." From now on pump clips and bottles will carry the new colours that
"proudly reflect the country's own pedigree." Marston's marketing manager Des Gallagher said: "As the official beer of English cricket, England's Ashes victory brought Pedigree to the attention of
more cricket-loving beer drinkers than ever before. The striking Red and White livery on our cans, bottles and pump clips caught the eye of patriotic beer drinkers across the country.
We want to build on that and proudly continue to show our passionate support of English cricket by reflecting it in the colours of our historic flagship beer."

Abbot's online beer diploma

Abbot Ale has launched an online 'qualification'. What's more, anyone who decides to become a 'beer student' can even get funding to study.
Abbot Ale is offering grants to aspiring beer experts so they can sup and learn at the same time. People entering the exam during the first month will be entered into a draw and a hundred
lucky would-be 'scholars' will win their very own �10 'student' grant towards their beer training.
Abbot's brewer Greene King says: "Cask beer is the success story of the pub and is out-performing other drinks on the bar. There's currently a huge amount of interest in cask beer
and the diploma has
been designed to help satisfy the public's thirst for knowledge as well stimulate conversations amongst pub goers about one of their favourite subjects; beer. The more customers appreciate the qualities
of cask ale the more likely they are to drink it. Licensees and staff are also encouraged to take the not-so-easy diploma as it will not only test them, but will help to increase understanding of
our national drink. Successful students will be able to download a personal Abbot Beer Diploma certificate from the Abbot Ale website after completing four modules .
All hail Victoria
Fuller, Smith & Turner of London has announced that The Victoria, on Strathearn Place, London W2, managed by Chris Cochran and Helen Wilson, has been honoured with the company's prestigious pub of the
year award, the Griffin Trophy. The awards presentation took place in November in the boardroom at Fuller's Griffin Brewery in Chiswick, West London. The Trophy is awarded to the pub that is judged to
deliver the highest standards in every aspect of its business. The overall winner is selected from the winners of the three main categories, Best City Pub, Best Country/Village Pub and Best Town/Local
Pub. The highly coveted trophy is making a swift return to The Victoria, which held it in 2007. Presenting the award to Chris and Helen, Fuller's Chairman, Michael Turner, said: "The Victoria is a
truly classic London pub and a real jewel in Fuller's crown. It attracts a wide range of customers, from tourists to local residents. While the customers may be varied, Chris, Helen and their team
make sure they all receive the same excellent service."
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Innis for Xmas

Speciality beer company, Innis & Gunn has added a new line to its award-winning oak-aged beers, an India Pale Ale (IPA). Available as part of a tri-pack also containing the Innis & Gunn Original
and Rum Cask variants and a branded tulip glass, the new expression is available to Sainsbury's customers, costing £8.00.
The gift box has been especially designed for the Christmas market with no handles and a simple shape that is easy to wrap. The new IPA (7.7% ABV), matured for 55 days, is described as "rich with spice, herbal hops,
and malt intensity, with subtle vanilla and citrus notes on the finish."
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