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Meantime on a Mission
by Willard Clarke, 10/10
Alastair Hook (right, dwarfed by giant brewing vessels) is a brewer with a mission. He believes there's a thirst for better beer in Britain and his task in life is to provide it. He's just opened a new, expanded Meantime Brewery near the O2 in south
London that replaced his original site in Greenwich.
Not content with that, he's also restored a fascinating piece of London brewing history with a micro plant in the Old Royal Naval College next to the Cutty Sark and alongside the Thames.
The main brewery is jaw-dropping. I've known Hook for many years, since he opened a craft brewery and restaurant in Ashford, Kent, in the 1980s, where he made true German-style lager - "ahead of my time," he freely admits. From there he built and brewed at two Oliver Peyton Mash restaurants in Manchester and London and was involved in the launch of the Freedom lager brewery in Putney.
With Meantime he has achieved a lifetime's ambition to brew both British and European beers true to style. He's won many plaudits for his India Pale Ale and London Porter but he's also invigorated the London bar and restaurant scene with fruit beers, wheat beers and such German styles as Helles and K�lsch.
He outgrew the first Meantime Brewery and has moved to the new site where he can produce 25,000 barrels a year but has room to grow to 100,000 barrels. The plant is German-built and is based on the flexible system of mash mixer, lauter tun [filtration vessel] and hop kettle. The kit allows him to produce both ale and lager and he proves the point with a sample of his new London Lager, 4.6%.
Hook trained at both Heriot-Watt School of Brewing and Distilling in Edinburgh and the renowned Weihenstephan brewing school near Munich, so he knows how to make a proper lager. He astonishes German friends when he tells them he's using the finest Maris Otter malting barley from Norfolk and Kentish Fuggles and Goldings hops. Germans think you can only brew true lager with German ingredients but Hook not only proves them wrong but is looking for aromas and flavours that will appeal to the British palate.
"There are no easy stepping stones from Carling to cask beer," he says. "I want to provide those stepping stones." His lager is cold conditioned for seven weeks and has the rich toasted malt and spicy hop character you expect from a true lager - but with a British twist. He hopes that drinkers who appreciate this beer will move on to his London Pale Ale (4.7%),where he adds gypsum to the brewing water to produce an authentic Burton-on-Trent sulphury character allied to an intense hop bitterness from English and American hops. Then there's his IPA, which is 7.5% and has 75 units of bitterness, more than twice the usual level for pale ale. After drinking that, there are no known stepping stones to take you back to Carling.
Dwarfed by huge fermenting and conditioning tanks in the new brewery, we down-sized with a vengeance by moving to Alastair Hook's second new brewing venture, a six-barrel micro plant in the
Old Royal Naval College. Here, in the baroque splendour of Sir Christopher Wren's buildings, one of the great architectural delights of the civilised world and a Unesco World Heritage Site,
Hook has restored an old brewing tradition.
In 1694 the monarchy founded a royal hospital for seamen within the naval college. Porter was brewed there to bring comfort to sick and dying sailors and Hook has restored the tradition with his
Hospital Porter (8%). This amazing beer is brewed with nine malts and English hops and, in the true fashion of early 18th century porters, it's a blend of old and
young beers. The old beer is matured in peated whisky casks for two years and the finished beer has a complex character of peat, roasted grain, chocolate, coffee and liquorice
and a lactic note that brings memories of Mackeson milk stout.
There's also a hint of seaweed or phenol, which comes from whisky casks obtained from the Bruichladdich distillery on the island of Islay in Scotland. Casks from the same source are used to mature
Imperial Russian Stout, also 8%, which is a straight, unblended strong porter with a more pronounced phenolic/seaweed character.
At the naval college you can dine in a spacious restaurant with a fine vaulted ceiling where the menu
offers such delights as Irish rock oysters with Meantime London Porter; Cheddar and leek tart, poached hen's egg and Hollandaise sauce with Meantime Scotch and roast monkfish tail, baby spinach,
anna potatoes, thyme and shallot butter sauce with Meantime Abbey ale. |
The restoration of the naval college brewery and restaurant cost �200,000, while the main new brewery has needed an investment of �2m. Most of the shareholders are Hook's family and friends, with a substantial input from two big-hitters in the brewing industry.
The walls of the restaurant in the naval college are decorated by a time-line of brewing in London from the late 17th century. "We're resurrecting London's brewing past," Hook says. With due solemnity, I raise a glass of Hospital Porter to Meantime's vibrant present and future.
Meantime Brewing Co
Blackwall Lane
London SE10 0AR
020 8853 3457
Old Brewery
Pepys Building
Old Royal Naval College
London SE10 9UW
0203 327 1280