The beer, brewed by Daleside Brewery in Harrogate, marks the anniversary of a small grocery chain established by Edwin Henry Booth. He was born to great poverty in Bury, Lancshire, early in the 19th century. He left home at 11, at 15 found work with a grocer in Preston and at 19, after years of night school, persuaded his employer to lend him sufficient stock to open a small grocery in Blackpool in 1847.
The town was just developing as a seaside resort. Booth's shop was successful and he eventually opened a second in Chorley before establishing a head office in Preston. Booth's is still family-owned and remains based in Preston, with 26 branches throughout the north of England.
Daleside, Booth�s 160th Anniversary Ale (England) (RP) The anniversary ale has a pale bronze colour with a lively barley-white head. It has a luscious fruity, pear drop aroma with biscuity malt and spicy and peppery hops. Tart fruit, juicy malt and spicy hop resins fill the mouth, while the long, bittersweet finish has rich malt, tangy fruit and good hop bitterness.
Malt: medium. Fruit: medium. Hops: high. 4.5% ABV, 50cl, �1.49, Booth's. | |
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